Moar End Of The Year Memes!

Jan 02, 2011 23:32

Two this time, both swiped from amuly. Here we go!

First sentence from the first entry of every month!

(If it was a fic, I’ll put the first line of the fic, because Title: Name of Fic would get pretty boring xP)

(Also, brackets after the fact are my thoughts looking back)

January 1: The fire department arrived rather quickly despite none of them calling for it, and it took some time for them to get the fire contained, but luckily the warehouse was empty enough that there wasn’t much left to catch fire, and the rain before had helped as it prevented the fire from spreading to any of the other outbuildings. (Holy run-on sentence, Batman! And wow, you really can’t tell this is OP-fic from that, can you?)

February 6: So, I guess the main point of this post is that I re-watched 'Brokeback Mountain' tonight.

March 2: “How many dances does the bride need with the groom before you can cut in?” Sanji wondered aloud, staring over at Franky and Robin.

April 2: Wow. (I’m serious; that’s it. Okay, it was about the latest One Piece chapter, but that’s honestly the first sentence xP)

May 2: Reaction post for Episode 3 of Doctor Who, “Victory of the Daleks”, specially dedicated to theotherdenise because she wanted to know what I thought of it.

June 1: So. (Again, that’s the first sentence. I’m talking about getting my fish in the post, though xP)

July 1: But Canada's 143 years old today, so Happy Birthday, Canada :D

August 3: Pictures of my new fish and just some random things I've taken with my camera recently xP

September 1: “So, you feel alright letting Jack and Gwen take this one together?” Owen asked as they were driving out to the abattoir, and Ianto gave him a sideways glance before focusing on the road again.

October 2: ...Not that I DON'T watch golf on occasion, but I'm much more invested this weekend (like I was when they were playing the US Open down at Pebble Beach while we were down there!) because the tournament this week is in Wales (well, Newport, to be specific xP).

November 1: ...Perhaps. (Again, one word. It was about me starting to watch ‘Hetalia’)

December 1: Yeah. (Again, one word. It was a review of a Glee episode xP)

Conclusion: I need to stop starting posts with one-word sentences. They tell you nothing xP

The Year in Fic Meme!

Overall Thoughts:

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
-I guess about what I’d expected, all things considered. I really had no idea what I would write once This Is Your Life was finished, but then when I started up Hitting the Ground Running I knew it was going to be massive and take a long time.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
- Honestly, Finn/Kurt, because I liked them on the show but I was like, “I don’t see myself writing fic for Glee ever.” And I’ve written a LOT on them xP

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
-Hmm, what makes me the happiest? Probably Five Times Kurt Hummel Almost Said "I Love You" to Finn Hudson (And One Time He Did), just because I’ve never done a ‘Five Times’ fic before, and it was really easy to write and I love the way the boys came out in it :)

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
-The biggest risk I took was honestly, on January 1 of last year, writing my first REAL smut scene in ‘This is Your Life.’ I…think it went well, because I’m a lot more comfortable writing those scenes now!

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
- Hopefully continue that Torchwood fic I started and then abandoned for my current run of Glee-fics. Also, just completing the rest of the request fills that I still need to do, and finishing up Endgame although who knows how long that’ll go on for…

From my past year of writing, what was...

My best story of this year:
Overall, definitely ‘Hitting the Ground Running,’ because I honestly feel like I’m a better writer because of it, and it was definitely a journey and trying at times, but I’m so glad I wrote it now.

My most popular story of this year:
“Hitting the Ground Running,” no question. The Torchwood LJ fandom is awesome :D

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
The last drabble-set I did for One Piece (Set Seven: Love to Optimistic). I guess a lot of people have fallen out of the fandom, but I used to get quite a few comments on each one and only got one for this set, which was a little discouraging.

Most fun story to write:
The Words ‘Honeymoon’ and ‘Adventure’ Are Not Synonymous…Unless You Travel With The Doctor. I’ve never written a straight Who-fic before, and I just had a lot of fun with it! They’re looking for a YAK, after all :D

Story with the single sexiest moment:
Um…I always get a little uncomfortable talking about this stuff, because I don’t think I write anything sexy. Really. So I’m gonna pass on this one…

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
Again, I didn’t write anything out of my comfort zone this year, and nothing really kinky or anything xP

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Make This Town Feel Okay. It was my first Glee-fic, and made me realize that I enjoy writing all of the characters and, more than that, that I LIKE all of the characters.

Hardest story to write:
This year I really didn’t have any, which is strange; most of the ones that I started out with an idea and then never finished I’ve never posted, and all of the ones I have came really naturally. The last few chapters of ‘This is Your Life’ were probably the hardest because I kept losing inspiration, but I’m happy with how it turned out!

Biggest Disappointment:
Life is Full of Surprises, definitely. Reviews were favourable, but man, I don’t like this fic. I feel like it’s horribly OOC and moves way too fast and just…ugh. Dislike.

Biggest Surprise:
My ‘Fives Times’ fic, especially on Just the sheer amount of reviews and favs and whatnot is pretty overwhelming for a fic as short (relatively speaking) as it is!

Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
Nothing horribly specific, but anytime I write Kurt-introspection I’m basically writing me, because while my experience hasn’t been as severe as his I have been the victim of bullying and it honestly does change the way you look at the world. I’ve also known somebody who’s gone through his situation so it definitely hits close to home for me.

Overall Fic Stats 2010:

(Note: I’m only counting words for the fics I’ve posted, because I do write things that never see the light of day xP)

Total number of completed stories: 77.5 (Each chapter will count as a fic because otherwise this number would be really small xP)
Total word count: 240,514 (Wow. Really?)

Categorical Breakdown:

Torchwood word count: 155,880
Torchwood # of fics: 47
Torchwood average word count per fic: 3317

Glee word count: 60,452
Glee # of fics: 10.5
Glee average word count per fic: 5757

One Piece word count: 15,945
One Piece # of fics: 16
One Piece average word count per fic: 997

Hetalia word count: 4862
Hetalia # of fics: 2
Hetalia average word count per fic: 2431

Doctor Who word count: 2370
Doctor Who # of fics: 1
Doctor Who average word count per fic: 2370

Ouran word count: 1005
Ouran # of fics: 1
Ouran average word count per fic: 1005

:D Do it if you feel so inclined!!

fandom: hetalia, fandom: doctor who, fandom: glee, meme, fandom: torchwood, fandom: ouran high school host club, fandom: one piece

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