I liked it!
One of the issues I had with the last season and a bit of Doctor Who was the introduction of 'new' enemies that never really took off, and the last time they used the Daleks in Eleven's storyline it wasn't the greatest episode, so it's nice to see them back in fine form. Yes, they're evil, but we as viewers are so used to them by now we almost take kindly to them because they're familiar and we know what to expect.
but to the episode: it was funny, it was heartfelt, Jenna is *really good* and I think I'll be happy with her playing the Doctor's new Companion and it'll be interesting to see how that plays out considering her character...is a Dalek. And I doubt they'd bring her back five episodes later as an entirely new character.
Amy and Rory's impending divorce/make-up seemed rushed, because it seemed like they never really got to the heart of the issue, but I have missed my baby Rory and he was as big of a gpoy as he's always been and it's so nice to have him back for a few episodes. Amy has increasingly gotten worse as a character for me for no real discernible reason, but I will miss Rory because he adds a nice dynamic (also now Rory landing in the most danger and Amy 'turning into something else' is kind of a thing, isn't it? xP)
So, I quite liked it. It felt more like older episodes of Doctor Who: simple storyline, old enemies, very few new characters to muddle things up, a good dose of humour, and a happy ending for all...maybe even the Daleks, now that they don't know who the Doctor is ;)
Plus the 'on a scale of one to ten? Eleven.' and 'Doctor Who' things in the script are lovely breakings of the fourth wall and I accept and embrace them when done Properly.
Other thoughts?