Title: Changes
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: R overall
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Chapter: 6/?
Word Count: 2454
Spoilers: Up to and including 2x03
Summary: Finn's still trying to make up for what he said, but Kurt's colder to him than ever. And he'd do pretty much anything to change that.
here )
Btw, have you been thanked lately for the sheer volume of F/K fics you put out? Because, thank you. :)
I'm always afraid people will be like, "oh, not HER again!!" when I post more fic XP
And I'm afraid of the day I'll write things and people will be like "Kinn? Wut? Nobody ships that." But there are a lot of rather devout shippers (and rightly so), so I hope that day won't come anytime soon!!
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