Yum, Kokoro has good stuff. For those not in the Denver/Colorado Springs area in Colorado, Kokoro is a sort of Japanese fast food restaurant. The prices are pretty good, the portions are generous (not counting the green tea cheesecake), and the taste is excellent. I highly recommend anyone who lives in the area to give the place a try.
EPT went well today, I didn't even have to fall out for feeling ill; but then again, practice was held at 1200 instead of the normal time. We're having IG inspections this week at the DET, so schedules are kinda wonky. Hopefully once this week is over people will be able to relax a little more... although, being in training, I probably won't notice the difference. ^^; This week is Mission Information week, and I'm definitely going to visit the Engineering and Intel departments. Not sure what the third department I'm going to visit is yet, though. Maybe Space and Missiles. Drill team is going relatively well, everyone in the flight is making significant progress. However, we're participating in the competition at the Academy in about 2 months, so we have a lot of work to do to really look sharp.
Situation normal in terms of school work, although I'm falling behind on homework a little bit, something I need to fix. I'm thinking of joining the local INTERLINK group, which is a program designed to help foreign exchange students adjust to American culture and learn the English language. Nothing concrete though.
And last but not least, here's a fuzzy nightime picture of what you can see of the campus from my apartment. Actually, I live closest to the fraternities that to any specific building on campus. Ah well.