Birthday Part 5: Office Surprise

Jun 12, 2011 23:32

May 3, 2011. Yes, it's the tale of the neverending birthday! It just went on and on, I couldn't believe it. Anyway, it's tradition in our office to surprise birthday celebrants with cake. (Complete with annoying, teasing messages on it, so you end up feeling "punkd" on your birhday haha.) We've come to expect it by now so it's not really a surprise anymore. However, I took a leave on the actual day of my birthday, so I thought I was saved from the "surprise". They did it a few days after, so I was really surprised! Of course I had to respond with pizza because they dropped a Palm card on my desk too when they gave me the cake, the bastards/bitches hahaha. Well, it's office tradition. Thank you officemates! Also, thanks to Rakz and Luis for the pics.


RA - one of my longest friends at work - carried the cake in.

I thought the cake was hilarious, but still - I HATE THEM! Haha.

The office peeps, looking on.

Thanks peeps!

Notice the 3 candles on the cake? THREE okay. TATLO. Only 3!

Everyone's grinning in this pic, heh.

My officemates are so sweet - not! LOL. FOR THE RECORD I JUST TURNED 30 OKAY. We get back at each other on our respective birthdays haha. Gantihan lang.

Yay cake!


Eating time.

Geli + Me

Uy si Dweky, our designated cake boy. Forgot to ask him if he was the one who ordered my cake.

With Edward, our HR Manager. He wanted a pic, teehee.

When I got home, housemate Sheva surprised me with my favorite Lush shower gel! It was a great way to cap off the day. Thanks Shevyduwop!

day of life gift, the office, fwendly fwends

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