Konnichiha minna (^ ^) / YAHOO!! XDD
This is just a quick post about Pole Dancing Boys!
Honestly I become more excited w/ that so once again I stalked Shusuke-sensei blog~ XDD
And.. HOHOHO~ I found something interesting~ *grinning*
And I've translate some of Shusuke-sensei's blog about Pole Dancing Boys before.. (> <)
Just in case there are some of you who haven't look at that yet, so here it is ->
2011.02.05 // 00.30
Pole Dancing Boys Poster
How is it?
February 26th from 10 AM, at TOHO Cinema Roppongi 有料完成披露試写会を敢行致します。 (LOL, sorry for bad translation! For some reasons I confused to built those words into sentences~ (O_o) (TOHO Cinema Roppongi ->
www.tohotheater.jp/ )
Kiza: YUKKI SHIRTLESS!!!!! *points at the small 7th photo* It makes me curious w/ this movie!!!!! Darn, It makes me sounds like a pervert.. (-_-lll)
And these photos get from various sources..