this is what we got. Go us!
I wonder what it's gonna be like when summer ends and I can't stay up till 4 AM talking to Michichi-chan and Shippo-san.... I don't wanna think about it. How will I survive?!
Talking to FG right now. Eee, I haven't talked to her for a loooong time. And
look! It's Mewtwo! Jaws is still in the convo eating someone, not quite sure who. Aah, roomies. Makes me wanna go back to the PFFA MB. What's the addy to that thing anyway? I know I saved it somewhere...but where?
Full Moon wo Sagashite is another anime I'll probably obsess over until I see it all. Sadly for readers of this, I've only seen the first episode!
Look at the pretty wallpaper. I love Takuto and Meroko.
Aww, FG's gonna draw me a picture!