[misc][picspam] holy rainbows and all that sparkles!!

Feb 05, 2008 09:17

I feel really bad. I've had this weird ache in an area near my stomach (just below) since Friday night, and I can't even describe it properly (at first I thought it was constipation, but it's not, and my pee 's the normal color, so, uh). To top it off, I think I might be coming down with a fever, plus I've had a slight headache since yesterday afternoon.

The worst part is the second floor of our house is under renovation (yes, we're finally getting the big gaping hole by my bedroom's door fixed) so I can't just curl up in my bed. (And, like, twenty years worth of useless stuff are strewn all over the house and in the garden, and tomorrow I have to help take down the books in my room, cause they're doing the floor there, ugh.)

Last weekend, I finished watching Egao no Hosoku with Abe Hiroshi and Takeuchi Yuko. Abe Hiroshi plays a comic artist (mangaka), Sakurai Reijiroh who gets the publishing company to randomly hire Takeuchi Yuko's character, Yumi (who reminds him of a goldfish, and he, err, likes goldfishes, haha) as his assistant. The company sends them to stay at an onsen/inn, because Sakurai has a habit of not being able to turn down any requests and the publishing company badly needs him to concentrate on a single project for them, and Yumi's job is to make sure he meets the deadline every week. Nogiwa Yoko plays the straightforward mistress (okami-san) at the inn, and Takanori Jinnai plays Yumi's older brother who is the inn's chief chef.

(BONUS: Shibata Rie plays one of the inn's maids! Haha, and her character seems to be a lot like her RL self, too, LOL. I keep expecting her to hold on to Abe Hiroshi's balls or pinch his nipples or something.)

It wasn't the sort of dorama I'd watch over and over again, but I did enjoy it immensely. It was mostly about Sakurai and Yumi, their relationship, and their interactions with the okami-san and how the mistress helped them as people, and you know me and my thing for character relationship developments. (:

Sidenote 1: Yumi has the views of a modern woman, she doesn't believe in being feminine, as long as she does her job with passion she thinks she's good. She doesn't think much about tomorrow, just the present, and as long as she gets praised for doing swell at what she does, she's happy and content. Kind of like me, in some ways. She learns how to be a more balanced person from Nogiwa Yoko's character, who is a bit old-fashioned, and believes that success isn't the only point, you also have to be good at being feminine, etc. etc. In a lot of ways I think like Yumi, and while Okami-san's ways are always the right ways in the end, sometimes I can't help but be stubborn in thinking that Yumi's thinking is the better way of doing so.

Sidenote 2: Sakurai/Yumi is a relationship that I love but don't necessarily 'ship romantically. I do believe that through the series, that the two of them became very dependent on each other to the point that they really did become equal partners. They perfectly complement each other, but somehow not in romantic ways. (Also, romanytically I kind of 'ship Yumi with okami-san's son. Heh.)

I also saw a couple of episodes of SP - Security Police with Okada Junichi and Tsutsumi Shinichi, and I badly want to not mention THE HOTNESS OF OKADA since that's pretty much what everyone else is going about, but it's kind of understandably so, since it exists in huge amounts in this drama, this so-called HOTNESS OF OKADA. :|

But for the purpose of trying not to seem like the shallowest fangirl on Earth, I will try to talk about other aspects of the drama. Like how I 'ship Inoue/Sasamoto (and sfdsgfjk is that really Maki Yoko?! SHE ROCKS THAT HAIRSTYLE.)

Um, yeah, real deep, I know, but it's a police drama, which have never really been my thing, although the conspiracy bit in the background is appealing. I am watching this series for that reason too! After OKADA HOTNESS and Inoue/Sasamoto. T_T

I haven't really been TV-blogging, as I think most of the shows this season suck or are pretty subpar, and the WGA strike isn't helping either, but general thoughts on House S4:

· There was supposed to be a more coherent and a more cohesive collection of thoughts on season 4 so far, right here, but Semagic crashed on me while I was writing this part and only retrieved the paragraphs from before. BOO! So basically I had bullets talking about how: House/Cuddy/Wilson is still OT3; I love Thirteen, am I (and my mother) the only one(s)?; Wilson/Cutthroat Bitch = NOT COOL; and I MISS CHASE. (Oh, and Cameron still ticks me off but I'm glad she has less screen time now?)

TV and dorama babbling aside, if I do an Aiba/Jun/Nino is my Not-So-Secret ARASHI OT3 Picspam, will it produce more Aiba/Jun/Nino OT3 fic? D:

Because I love Aiba/Jun (like there's no tomorrow), adore Ohmiya, and firmly believe that Sho is straight, while nevertheless 'shipping the OT5 if it's going to give me happy shiny sparkly rainbow orgies, BUT HOW CAN FANDOM DENY ME OF OT3 FIC WHEN LOOK!:

( well, obviously, an aiba/jun/nino pic spam will not be complete without the obligatory kitto daijobu threesome butt sex )

And I'm not even asking for porn, here. :|

( even though I honestly much prefer Jun in the middle. *cough*
Heck, I'll shut up, they're still just kids here anyway, and it's not like I'm looking for underage porn. Ew. )

YO. I didn't realise Matsujun's love for HUGEASS BLINGS started at an early age. O_O
( I thought back then it was Aiba, *coughKanshaKangekiAmeArashicough* )

Early ARASHI Days. XD

And of course, some more recent pictures to remind you guys that they're all of age now.
Nobody need feel guilty about porning them.
Except for the vague squick of RPS, that is, haha.

Ermm, so, uh, YAY PORN? o/
I'm really not feeling well. Some Aiba/Jun/Nino (porn) will probably make me feel better yanno. *hintwinknudge*

And before I go, I shouldn't forget: partypaprika wrote me a short Aiba/Jun AU where Jun's a princess and Aiba's his adorable knight (boy)friend. (Bonus points for Queen Kazuko and King Satoshi, *cough*) ♥

Also, Happy Birthday fushigineko!!

ETA I am apparently the one person who has aiba/jun/nino included in their interests. Aww. :(

arashi: aiba masaki, partypaprika is made of love&hate, tv, arashi: matsumoto jun, tv: house md, my special arashi ot3 tag, arashi arashi for dream, jdramas: sp - security police, arashi: ninomiya kazunari, !! pic spam, jdramas: egao no hosoku, nino & jun are my prissy bitches, jdramas, matsujun has eaten my life, aibajun is a single entity

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