(no subject)

Apr 08, 2009 17:50

Well, yesterday was my last day of work until July. It's a weird feeling knowing I don't have to go back there - or go *anywhere*, really - for that long. I wish I never had to go back, but that's another post completely. I was going to try to finish working out the week, especially since we're only open through Thursday because of Easter, but I got two days in and just gave up. I probably would've been able to do it had I actually had some work to do, but since everyone who supplies me with the paperwork I handle is on Spring break, I had nothing - and I do mean nothing to do. You can only surf the interwebs covertly for so long before it all starts to seem like a big waste of time. I hate to "waste" even just a few days of my maternity leave, but I'm giant, cranky and feel like I can barely find the energy to waddle to the bathroom half the time, so...fuck it. I deserve a few days vacation to lie around and relax before the baby comes.

So now I'm at home, bouncing around my empty house and...yeah. I've been at the computer most of the day. Go figure. I did manage to get out for a walk with the dogs and for some shopping, though. As fun as that was, however, I'd really prefer it if the baby - who was due last Sunday - would show up already. The sort of good news is that they'll be inducing me on Monday if she doesn't get here on her own. It's a bit conflicting, because while I really don't want to be induced, I can't stand being pregnant any longer. I've been trying every (safe) thing I can think of to kick start my body into labor to avoid the induction, but so far nothing is happening. Tomorrow is a full moon. I don't know if that actually has an effect on anything, but I've got my fingers crossed that it does.
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