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Mar 09, 2009 12:36

Wow, what a weekend!

First of all, I want to give a HUGE “thank you” to everyone who was involved with my surprise baby shower. Especially, of course, to Mag for all those mad organizational and computer skills, Pen, and of course to Tara, who made the trek out to the boonies to visit me. Also, though, to everyone who sent such lovely things and the people who were in chat to celebrate with me. While I admit I might have had a biiiiiiit of an inkling of what was going to happen beforehand, it was still an awesome day, ladies. I’m lucky to know such wonderful people, and it was a great start to a really fulfilling and productive weekend.

Shortly after Tara left, Matt got home with the crib, so we set that up and then both took naps like the old fogies we are. Matt took me out for a really fancy dinner after we woke up to celebrate my birthday. I thought I would be a bit more depressed about turning 30 - I’ve been bitching about it since I turned 29, but honestly, I wasn’t that bothered by that OR the fact that I couldn’t get good and drunk for the occasion. I tried to get worked up about it, *definitely* expected to, but just couldn’t. I think it helped that I feel like I’m working my way into a more “age-appropriate” sort of lifestyle. I finished my BA, I have a non-retail job and I’m about to have a baby. Perhaps someday I’ll come to terms with the fact that I’m not 22 anymore, after all. :p

Me not being 22 anymore is illustrated even better by the fact that, despite having planned to go see a movie after dinner, by the time we finished eating, we were both tired and just wanted to go home. Old fogies, I tell ya. So we did, and just watched what Netflix delivered - Charlie Bartlett - which was pretty darn good, and reminded me of a hybrid between Harold and Maude and Pump up the Volume. An odd combo to be sure, but it worked pretty well.

It was a good thing we decided to turn in early, because Sunday was craziness. I’ve never been much of a shopper, so the afternoon we spent getting all of the rest of the things we needed for baby were pretty taxing. Taxing, but pretty darn fun actually! We managed, somehow, to spend less than expected while getting more than we thought we would. Seriously, how often does *that* happen!?! When we got home, Matt’s sister and a friend of hers came over and started painting all sorts of sea creatures in the nursery to match our bedding. It took them longer than expected, and it’s not done yet, but it’s freakin’ adorable and it’s already by far the most “done” and decorated room in our house. I’ll post pictures when it’s all finished and put together.

When I get home from work today, I’m going to go into full-on nesting mode and start putting things away. By next week, the only think my nursery will need is the baby!
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