First Moot, and new character

May 12, 2013 18:26

I was more than a little nervous about the event just gone, and I'm pleased to say that it went very well. Maya was my first ever character, and after losing her I wasn't sure how difficult it would be to get into the swing of a new character. As it turned out it didn't take long to settle into new habits and ways of thinking, and the only difficulty I had was a tendency to think "Maya" whenever anyone asked my name. Fortunately Rosie is slow enough that people didn't seem to notice the pause or stutter as I went "May... my name is Rosie"

One of the things that I was worried about with Rosie was that I was determined to bring her in with no group, no faction, and no guild. I wanted to be sure that all the decisions were made by Rosie, and not OOC as me picking places and people that I knew I liked from playing Maya. It worked far better than I'd hoped. By the end of the weekend I had a faction (unicorns), a group (The Hollow Embassy), and two guilds (Armourers' and Bards'). Of these the Bards' Guild is the only one that I've interacted much with in the past, and as such I've been roleplaying with a whole new group of people, which is pretty awesome.

I defended the guilds against criticism once by stating that I'd always found them friendly and welcoming, even when I was playing a temporary character. I was informed that that was because even with a new character I was a respected player and that people included me in things because they knew Aoife. This idea made me sad, so I was glad to find that it wasn't the case. Rosie got a surprising amount of welcome for something so creepy and socially inept. For example, I ended up doing a transport for a bunch of players who didn't have any proof that I wasn't a) a monster, or b) a rabid pvp-er. I also had some fun interactions with Players I knew well, which led to them sticking their fingers in the air about 10 minutes in and going "Is that Aoife under there?!" I also got involved in a lot of guild duty for the Armourers, and made more money in one weekend than I think I made in all Maya's lifetime healing!

Now that I've got all that rambling of my chest, I'm going to do a more standard "hots" list:

-Not getting killed outright for being creepy.

-Fun RP with the Hollow embassy

-Rosie's blue-screen moment when faced with the concept that she had a friend.

-Insisting on paying healers. Getting told repeatedly not to do that.

-"Cover me while I pull him back!"
*Rosie steps over body on floor and stares down attacking gorgon*
"Innate petrify"

-Being taken back to the Unicorns, but not wanting to join in their muster when not a Unicorn. Ending up standing at the gate with two other
non-unicorns to give them space.

-The gate guard during said muster deciding that we were guarding the gate, so they could bimble off.

-Coming up to the unicorn camp at high speed the following day and hearing this exchange:
"Is that one of ours?"
"Yes, she's a unicorn. She was guarding the gate yesterday" :P

-Getting to go to Albion while it was sinking.

-Going on a certain-death mission to find unliving silver werewolves. (It was boring :P)

-Randomly joining a Bards/Lions linear without invitation. (The Bards seemed glad, the Lions not so much)

-Bandaging Everard back to consciousness, and the look on his face when he opened his eyes and saw what was leaning over him.

-Listening to an Ilsa lecture on watching people for minute reactions, then picking up on a minute reaction from one of the participants in reaction to her comment that she didn't seem to have noticed!

-Bards being lovely. Rosie is baffled as to why they seem to think her staying alive is important. I mean, it's obviously important to *her*, but normally others don't share that opinion.

-Being able to go for food whenever I feel like it, without worrying that the guild/faction/world will fall apart if I'm not there.


-"What is that?!"
"This is Rosie. She's been following me around. She's my new doll."

-"What is that?!"
"That's Rosie. She's been very helpful around the guild."
"But what IS it?"
"She really seems to be quite nice"
"But WHAT IS IT??"
"Oh, someone said it's an Umbral half-construct."
"Thank you. Now; Is it safe?"

-"Have you met my friend Rosie? So very talented. Such clean lines."

-"With you it's hard to tell what's you and what's clothes."
"The clothes are the parts that come off."
"Which begs the question: What can I take off?"
"To which the correct answer is: None. I, however, can take off several items."

-Having messed up a petrification cure:
Me: I can't believe I just fluffed that!
Zena: Don't worry, we all make mistakes.
Me, flipping up mask: I can't believe I just fluffed that.
Zena: It's you under there? I can't *believe* you just fluffed that!!

-"You should always have a tie, in case you meet an ancestor, 'cos then at least you've got a tie to wear."

-"So you're a living doll, who fights with two cleavers? Clearly it's your destiny to be a mass-murderer!"

-"So have you seen Rephiam at all today?"
"No, I think he may have transported to Albion and drowned."
"That's... actually quite likely."
"Yes. He is most likely dead. I hope I am wrong though. I would be somewhat sad."
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