massu and the philippines

Mar 07, 2010 12:00


so that i have something to post..^^

Last january 25 was a hoLiday here.. it was the day phiLippines was freed from martiaL law. it was then Led by the Late pres. cory aquino..

so what is the reLation of this to massu???


it was january 25, 1986.. massu was born 1986..
the coLor of that day was yeLLow.. massu's known for Liking yeLLow..


another thing..

massu's schooL wiLL be university of santo tomas Located at maniLa..
because the officiaL coLor of ust is yeLLow and he officiaL mascot(?-don't know to caLL it.. sorry.. T.T) is tiger..

massu's a tiger..

hahahaha!!! enough of this..

tiLL next time..^^

Love massu's Line in sakura girL..


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