"...and the domestication of the dog continued unabated."

Jul 24, 2012 18:34

God DAMN it. Only July, and I'm already straining to ignore various political bullshit all over Facebook. ;_; *cannot say anything in reply: will not change anyone's mind, only embarrass myself and Dad by fighting where everyone can see it; would also hurt a whole lot of feelings for no goddamn reason* It's enough to drive me right back into the arms of LJ, where politicizing has been reduced to a minimum by sheer depopulation. D:

At least First Strike is just as pretty as I remembered--more so on the legit release. Anime and Blu-Ray go together like...sex...and. More sex? IDEFK, it was pretty.

Mike is thiiiiiiis close to getting work where I work. It wouldn't be on the same shift, thanks to nepotism policies, but another income would be pretty boss, especially when I start the fall semester in a month or so and have to either reduce my hours or die of exhaustion and also suck at school and internshipping. Fuck off, Firefox, that is so a word

Lastly, an open note to future attendees of future Tenacious D concerts: if it's a band as popular as Tenacious D, in a city with a music boner as massive as Austin's, and you show up two hours late? You're not going to find space to sit. No, the half-empty lines of theater seats behind me and my husband and brother and friends are not somehow available because you're the only one with the power to see them somehow. They're reserved, dumbfuck. Go back in time three hours and sweat in line outside like the rest of us. You're lucky the concert was worth it (the giant inflated cock-phoenix alone would've justified the price of admission...especially since the tickets were a birthday present :D).


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