
May 30, 2012 02:18

You know what this place needs? More Maru.

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Aaaand now for one of the reasons this site is sputtering to a slow, painful halt: I can't think of anything to say. I actually have things to talk about, but not much to say about them. This is hardly unusual - for either LJ updating or communication in general, lol!pression - except for the fact that it's less of a commonplace annoyance and more a way of life nowadays, for pretty much everyone I know. Bloody sad, considering how much I used to love this place, and how difficult it is to say things in any length or depth on Facebook, where all my conservative relatives can see it. *too lazy/paranoid to set up filters* Ah, well.

Have to get up at 7.

7:15 Edit: You know what's better than being sad and then too sad to even have sex and then you're just really fucked in the head? When your husband is like "LET'S GO GET KRISPY KREME AND WATCH ARCHER" and gay Cuban assassins make everything better. ♥ I am going to be so fucked on a sugar crash and two hours' sleep today. Whooooo


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