Hnnnggh stomach hurts x_x

Mar 04, 2011 00:27


*got 6 out of 10*

Maka has gotten into the habit of sleeping in the pigs' cage. They don't know what to make of it, but we do: MURDER

...except she's too friggin' cute to kill. :/ I can't help but feel Nature did this on purpose.

Work has slowed down a lot at work, where I work. I've been improving my knowledge of legal stuff via Wikipedia, which is a surprisingly excellent resource for plain-English legal stuff. Like, a lot. I've learned a lot AND come across some...interesting things thus far.

(Random legal fact that I did not make up, example number 1: it turns out that if you and your buddy take turns sexually assaulting a drunken girl who turns out to be dead, it's not Okay because it turns out she was dead. Which was the defense they honest-to-God tried to use in court. Where everyone could hear them. On purpose. Go on, click the link. I'll wait. I TOLD YOU)

Man, I could build a pretty good Cracked article on some of this stuff, like the guy convicted of starting the Great London Fire by throwing a crude grenade through a bakery window, where it turned out he first confessed to starting the fire in a different part of town, then changed his story without realizing that the bakery in question didn't have any windows, never mind that he literally wasn't in the country at the time, and also that he was "so severely crippled" that he couldn't have thrown a lit match, much less an improvised fire-starter. They didn't even really think he did it, but still did the good non-French/Catholic thing and hung his ass for destroying 80 percent of the city.

*tries and fails to think of more cheerful segue*

YES x [mobius strip]

Blech. Need sleep.


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