Title: Falling for My Aniki
Pairing: TaNakamaru
Genre: Romance (with a splash of Drama, Crack and Action)
Rating: PG-15 … it’s totally safe!
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don’t own any of the JE boys in this fic. *sniffs*
Summary: Koki just graduated from college and in his hopes of finding a good job that would take him to his dream of becoming Japan’s number 1
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Comments 29
Can't wait to see how this turns out ;)
Keep up the good work and lots of love to you for updating <3<3<3<3
but nakamaru rejected him?' no way!! really, can anyone say no to koki?? because i couldn't!! XDD
but he kissed him!!! it's a birthday present but it's a real kiss!! and nakamaru didn't realize that he's loving koki back already with all he does??
thanks for sharing!!
p.s only 4 more chaps?? i'll miss these two when you finish it...
of course... now what would it take for Yuichi to realize his feelings? you'll find out next chap...
well.. 4 chaps would be the most... it can 3-4 but it wouldn't gfo beyond... don't worry... a new TaNakamaru fic is waiting right after this!!!
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oh... we'll see about that in the last few chaps. (^_~)
U'r briliant!
and u ended it in good timing ne,
now i really2 courious about the next chapter!
*hope the next chapter will release fast!*
don't worry... i'll try my best!!
Koki was soooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeet
i hope that they will come together in the near future. *giggles*
thanks waiting for the next
well, that future is really coming near.. thanks for waiting!!
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