*Buttons For Sale*
Size: 1.5" button!
Cost: $2 each
Shipping: $3-5 within the US, inquire if international
Paypal Fee: It'd be about $1! Sorry orz
Accepted Payment: Paypal or personal checks
How to order: Please fill out the order form found
here or send me an e-mail at
trader.no.kokoro@gmail.com If you have any comments or questions feel free to drop me an e-mail at
trader.no.kokoro@gmail.comI will be accepting orders until August 5th and all orders will be mailed out between August 7th and August 10th
Also if you'd like to suggest some buttons/characters/series/anything feel free to leave a comment or drop me an e-mail :3
Detroit Metal City
Kingdom Hearts 2
Soul Eater
Bakuman + K-on!
Mascot Characters
If you need help identifying the characters please visit my
Deviant Art account! All of the characters are identified there :3