Updated cause Beejal told me to~

Aug 22, 2006 01:58

So yeah its been a long while since I’ve been on or did a journal entry but I’m doing okay. Didn’t disappear yet just went a bit AWOL is all. Been busy busy busy~ I love to work..yikes~

So I’m doing a wee little update right now. Things are well. I’m going to keep working for right now. I’ll be taking classes in the Fall. I want to work a bit more. Lots of changes are going on and I’m having a lot of fun and feeling accomplished so its all good. I’m wanting to be working for a while now. I’m not one that likes routine and if things get into too much of a routine I get bored easily and go MIA. So I’m staying while the getting's good.~

Been going back to drawing for a bit too and doing some different things. Also have been reading a lot. I I’ve been sitting down and reading a lot more then I used to. Its nice. OH and yep still don’t sleep. Go figure. Just can’t sleep when I know I should. I’m just not sleepy. Its about 1:51am right now and I most likely won’t be off to bed till maybe 6am. I swear my schedule really does help fuel the no sleeping thing.

Anyways....Later days!

here and there and everywhere

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