Mar 05, 2008 01:49
Went to watch The Leap Years today, its an ok show, touching as expected, typical ending but I like happily-after-endings anyway. =D But no, I aren't blogging about it, I shall instead blog about the remake of Shutter! Muaha!
Exited the cinema and ran straight into this big ass Shutter advertisement board which screamed March 27 release date. Got abit confused as to why an advertisement for such an old show would still be hanging around the back of a cinema, then I spotted From Executive Producers of 'The Grudge' and 'The Ring'. Aha! A remake! Heard that the remakes of The Grudge and The Ring sucked big time but I love the original Shutter movie to bits (its by far the best horror show I've ever seen), so should I watch it or not?! Came home to double check if its really a remake or not, found the website for it, then I saw... Ando Masahashi from Heroes! Its a done deal through and through. Shutter 2008, you better not disappoint me.