Time for a yearly update.

Jul 01, 2007 12:08

Alot has happen and some have been informed.

Time to type some out.
But as much as I would love to do a whole essay about it and whatnot. I'm going to keep it short.

1) The beloved boyfriend and fiancé I had, got cold feet and ran away from me, not too unlike Pai did to me a few years back.
Did it devistate me? Yes. 3 years and now this without a warning. Lovely.

2) I'm getting a ferret this weekend to come. A cute little male one, his breeder's name is Loke, but when he comes here he's going to be called Jun Loke.

3) I got accepted into art school this fall. So I will go a year in art school before deciding to either develope further into the magical world of art or go on with the stupid original plan when I was engaged, go into pedagogics and become an art teacher.

Bitter? Yeah, a little.
Do I feel like staying singel for awhile? I guess. I decided to never let anyone close to me ever again and deffintely not talk me into marriage and kids.
But yeah, that will problaby last awhile *rolls eyes* Either way. I'm not looking.

My new rebound guy is pretty fun though. Funny it's always a chinese who ends up being a rebound guy for my harder break-ups >>; This one is 50% swede and 50% chinese. So he might not help me all the way, but he has deffintely helped me some already. We have a good level of understandment for each other and that makes talking rather easy.

What else is there?

Well, the school courses I took from january to june, I ended up with a B as average (meaning, I got B in two subjects out of four)

Not so much new. I still work every now and then when I get called out (kindergarten/day care teacher)
Medevil days coming up on a place called Hägnan over here. Of course, I'm going there dressed out. Orders from above and by that I meant Landale (yup, we're hanging out together now, again).

I guess that was about it. Nothing much to it.

I hope everyone else are living their lives in a grand way <3

Nichole. My fairie-CG pic is starting to get finished zomg no :O
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