Aug 15, 2005 14:59
haha, just joking...??
i just finished our ite test and now i have exactly 5 mins until the bell rings :D
im number 1 in the class, muwhahahahahhahahaha.. gina is second..muwhahahahahaha
we're now comparing arms...
anita has long arms?!
me and gina have short arms but with curves..
wat the hell? O_O
gina: do u want to feel my hair? <-- she asks me this every freakin day
anita: i am annoying <-- i said this XDDDDD
ok ok gotta go now, will update at home!!
LOL, sorry about the weird entry. ITE tests make ppl go insane @_@ Well, nothing happened that much. Last thursday at band rehersal... i swear i really wanna kick the crap out of that second row clarinet girl... @#$@$!!! u know how we have to pack up all the chairs and music stands at the end of rehersal, well that girl came up to gina and said 'oh we left some chairs behind for u'... wtf?! this isnt the first time she was rude at us though... baka yarou!!! >O<
Friday was free clothes day... i should've worn my school uniform coz i was like 10 degrees!!!! freezing cold!!! ive never felt that cold for a long long time @_@ meh!
saturday - did nothing. i was supposed to work on my assignment but i ended up doing only 2 hrs of school work 8D procrastination is evil... oh ya, i went to maths tutoring too... ~_~ i was so weird.
sunday - bought my mum a present ^^ her birthdays this friday!! i burned her a CD too... omg, listening to her style of songs nearly make me go to sleep @___@
anyways, i just came bak from a subject selection evening night <>_<> i think i know wat im gonna choose next year >_o ABSOLUTELY NOT SCIENCE! TOT brings bak horrible memories~~~ "_" heheheh, ok ok, gotta go work on my assignment now (more like looking at pics of chris evans - -) ciao!!!!!!!!
3 more weeks until the next cc dance, 4 more weeks until the end of term and 4 months until the end of year 10 -O-