May 07, 2011 21:37

 so, my favorite game is Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy~ but i only play FFX, FFXII and FFVII.. so i don't really know the story, but i sure do know a lot of character, and one of my favorite is......


he's sooooo cool XDD! next is Cloud from FFVII Advent Children~!

also Xephiroth, also from FFVII Advent Children~

 next is Noctis from FF13 Versus!!

and while i'm able to post this, i'm gonna post some Gintama snapshots~

Hijikataaaaa~~!! i'm gonna post some more pics later on   Oo。.ヾ(*✪ᴗ✪●)ノ゙ and now, the 5th of May is my favorite day ❤

a:gintama, pics, g:final fantasy

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