Since I was tagged by
jzsfreak , i am doing the 6 weird things/habits meme...
"Confess to "6 weird things/habits" and then pick on other people to do the same."
1: Does plucking you eyebrows count, since I’m a guy? Oh and the odd misplaced hair here and there.
2: When I was a smoker and had no facial hair I found that burning off my nose hair was easier then trying to cut it and less painful then plucking it:P
3: I am painfully obligated in enlightening people who I think are wrong, so if you spout off some stupid “fact” and I happen to be about, please know what you are talking about. It’ll save us both a lot of time;P
4: I turn on my signal light BEFORE I try and change lanes.
5: I put my empties back into the cases they came from.
6: I never masturbate on Sundays.
Ok number six isn’t true, I just ran out of things to tell:P
I will not subject any of my LJ friends to this “meme” (who came up with that name?? fitting I guess)
But I encourage any if not all of you to humiliate yourselves in an equally appropriate manor.