A Sample Fantasy System

Mar 25, 2006 19:38

After reading the #fleet backlog last night, and seeing mention of the abortive FLEET Fantasy spin-off, I thought I'd post some of what there is in my own Fantasy scheme (originally developed for an overly ambitious (3d, multiple metric, multiquest) Roguelike I tried to write)...

In the beginning there was only dumb, formless matter. (COH)

After time passed, it developed forms of waxing sophistication (FIN)

For countless aeons, this was the state of things-dumb matter colliding with more dumb matter.

Eventually, these interactions lead to the development of purpose (WILL)
the desire to survive, to master destiny.

At first, this desire was simple, though waxing in power.

After time passed that desire became sophisticated (WIT).

For thousands of years, this was the state of things-will matching will, first without material form; then in bodies of the dumb matter which gave them birth.

Eventually, this matching of wills lead to the development of common terms, repeating motifs which themselves gained power.(QUI)

At first these souls were simple, though waxing in power.

After time passed that soul became complex and subtle (SUB).

At the present, this is the state of things-soul interplaying with soul, in will and matter, and without.


The things of the world are of seven basic types, depending on the aspects they possess.

The oldest kind of thing is that of dumb Matter only.

The second oldest is that of Will only.

The third is that mingling of Will and Matter we call "simple life".

The fourth is that of Soul only.

The fifth and sixth, those of Soul and Will, Soul and Matter.

The seventh, and youngest, that of Soul, Will and Matter combined. We call these things "men".


The nature of a being is not just in the aspects they possess, but in the strength of binding between those aspects.
The interaction of Will and Matter leads to the most important aspects of living things: the ability to move and sense the physical world.
The interaction of Soul and Will leads to the most important aspects of sentient things: the ability to alter and sense the roles and purposes of other things.
The interaction of Soul and Matter leads to the most important aspects of useful things: the ability to
fulfil the purpose given unto them.


It is also important to separate the Power and Subtlety of the aspects possessed by a being.

Heroes have Powerful Souls-they are very strongly in the role they have been given. However, they are rarely Subtly Souled - they have little control of the destiny given them by their role.

Wizards are Subtle Souled, able to change their role and the roles of others. They have control of their destiny, and can see it in the distance. If gifted with Subtle Minds and Bodies, and a strong interconnection between them, they may even change their shapes.

Things gain Souls by being used, and by being Crafted to have them. A Magic Sword (one with a Powerful Soul of Swordness) can become such by being imbued with such by a master swordsmith, or by being used as such for hundreds of years, in many successful battles.
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