Mar 02, 2009 08:03
Okay, enough procrastination! I have been tagged, and must respond...
If you were a book, what kind of book would you be? After much thought, I'd say... A really cheesy pulp sci-fi novel. (Read into that what you will...)
What was your favorite book when you were little? The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. I'm not kidding. A glance to my right tells me that I still have that copy, in fact...
What book(s) can you read over and over? I would say there are many, although when I come to think about it I can't really remember re-reading books all that often. Occasionally I'll re-read a series together, if I first read them out of order or with long breaks - The last one like that was the Ciaphas Cain 40K novels by Sandy Mitchell, which I should take the opportunity to plug to people who might be interested. (Warhammer 40000 books that sneak a Wombles reference in? What's not to like?)
Do you buy/read books if you know nothing about the book or its author beforehand? If you count reading cover blurb or a description on Amazon as knowing something, then no. I don't require a personal recommendation or review or anything, though... I mean, books are cheap enough, right?
Have you ever bought/read a book just because you liked the cover art? If yes, do you think this is a good method for buying books? Not just because of the cover art, but covers can attract my attention long enough to read the cover blurb, and see above. Together these methods don't give many hits, but they can pay off occasionally...
What book(s) do you find yourself always recommending to people? Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart, because I think it's wonderful. Anyone who hasn't read it must do so immediately, assuming they can find a copy...
Tagging... Hmm, well, since most people I know have probably already been tagged if they wanted to be... Anyone who wants to be tagged, I hereby tag!