So I spent Memorial day weekend in Mexico celebrating my friends' wedding. We stayed in a gorgeous resort near Tulum, on the Yucatan peninsula. The place is gorgeous, but sometime around the second day I started to notice something a little strange. After about day of wandering around, drinking tequila, finally dawned on me that the muzak (a loop of about 10 songs, 5 of which were different renditions of "the girl from Ipanema") that was constantly being piped out throughout the resort was coming from speakers shaped to look like rocks that lined all the pathways in the resort.
That was odd enough, but when we went to visit the Maya ruins of Tulum, there were even more "rocks" being put to interesting uses- the floodlight rocks...
and the footpath light rocks...
the footpath light rocks actually came in two varieties, one with a round hole and one with a rectangular hole, but I forgot to take a picture of the ones with the rectangular hole on the way out...