Oasis concert.

Mar 21, 2006 18:49

So as many of you may know, last night I went to go see Oasis in concert. GOOD LORD THEY WERE FAN-EFFING-TASTIC. The boys were really on their game last night; I can't get over just how good Noel Gallagher is. That man is so talented. Zak Starkey was particularily animated (and it was awesome). The opening act was the Arctic Monkeys, and I have to admit I wasn't too familiar with their stuff, but after hearing them I think I'll go and pick up their album, they were quite good; they're doing really well in the UK (something like 400,000 albums sold in the first week after release!)

At some point I may describe how the concert was in more words, but at the moment I'm still on such a high (not sure if it's the concert, the fact that everyone around us *ahem* was smoking weed, or a combination of both) but I don't think I'm able to adequately describe it right now. So I'll just post a few pictures.

The following images were taken with my cell phone (because I'm a knob and left my camera at home), but all things considered (uh, it's a cell phone) I think they turned out okay, albeit blurry. We weren't super close to the stage, but we were in a better spot than some of the other ticket options I had when purchasing them.

In any case, here they are. Enjoy!

Hover over the pictures to see comments. :)

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