I am done with hiding everything. From everyone. I am done with hiding. I am done with being a secret. I am done with not being able to be myself. Completely myself. How can I find out what I need and do that, if I can't even be myself all the time. I am done with limiting who I am around people. Deal with seeing me, or don't see me at all. No more
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I’m glad you’re being yourself and I support it fully, even if you may not think that. I know its true with all my heart that I want you to be the you that you want to be at anytime and show all of yourself. I fear you might not believe that, but I hope beyond everything you will see that. You know I support all your decisions, you should. Just like that after years of calling you Katie, I call you Kate and I like it… and that one night you said to me in such a wonderful voice “I like it when you call me Kate” was the end of anything else for me. It feels great to know you’re loved. To be a part of someone deciding what they like, to have such faith in that person that even though at the start you were uneasy over something that you too would love it.
That’s happened so often with us lately hasn’t it? I think I should tell everyone about the hash brown story, it’s a story that goes for many other things, more serious things but this embodies the idea more then anything. Everyone reading this, you need to have faith in this girl called faith. She knows what’s going on, she is not stupid, nor ignorant she is a very sophisticated woman and if anyone disagrees with me you can shove your cockiness, pompous asshole fucking attitude straight up the aforementioned hole. I only say that with such detest because Ive seen some people treat her as if she had no clue what was going on and although I believe it was never the case it is most definitely not anymore. Kate has lived a very tough life, with both good and a lot of bad, and she most definitely has stories to tell. Stories that everyone can learn from.
It’s a good thing to not want things in return for the great things you do for people. But just as a personal note for myself and all others who have and have yet to meet this great girl, treat her good. She deserves what she gives fully in return, and I think one day that those who would walk over such great love will one day regret it with all their hearts. Life is about learning, but that’s one experience I care to never learn about. I will appreciate what I have been giving and give her the greatest love ever in return, like she deserves. I plead with everyone to look in her eyes and see the love she gives you, and not abuse it.
I am your greatest successes story, you have changed me for the better, you have saved my life. You’ve giving me compassion and love…faith… How can I express just how much it means that you gave me faith? A belief so strong in me when everyone else told you to get rid of me. I believe in you when you tell me things. I always have. Ive always believed in you, ive never lied to you. We will stand the test of time, you and I. As well will you in your own right, as someone who helped save the world. I believe in you for all of time, and love you for just as long.
Kate, you mean everything to me, love for YOU who reads this. If you’ve put your heart on a platter, I choose to pick it up, examine it, fix any damage I’m able to, and then promptly return it where it belongs, with you. I’m glad and I’m honored to be on life’s journey with you. And I’m going to be here with you for the longest time. We have changed so much from the start 7 years ago you and I. We started off one sided in that you did soo much for me and I didn’t see you. Went through a time when the opposite was true, and now here we are finally equalizing ourselves and loving the experience. But Its still all owed to you, thanks for sitting next to a lonely misunderstood kid so many years ago, thanks for believing in me Kate. Thanks for being you, and I say this again, THAT…You… All of you… I will always love that. I will always love you.
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