May 20, 2003 22:24
There is this man who rides his bike around my neighborhood at night. He reminds me of Crazy Pete from Now & Then. However, my Crazy Pete's bike is far more remarkable because it is covered in neon lights and is fully equipped with a radio. Tonight, as I was walking up to my porch, I see him ride by with Weezer's "Hash Pipe" blazing from his radio. In a world of horrible things and people I don't like, this man makes everything seem alright. Recently, I find myself waking up, but for no reason. That's a horrible feeling that I would never wish upon you. But unfortunately, I feel very hopeless. I just have too many things on my mind. It's ubelievable. I wish I could wear a t-shirt that says "I'm depressed. Stay away," but until the Gap comes out with one in black, I'm expected to always keep a smile and say hello.
The weather has been so strange lately. At night, this dense fog covers suburban Huntington Beach. This fog scares me. I feel as though I'm in a scary movie, however, I don't play the main character. I'm not the heroine who runs away from the monster or even trys to fight it. I'm that minor role in the beginning who just sits back and let's the monster corrupt/kill her and then mysteriously comes back in the sequel. No explanation, no fight.
I've been taking really long blinks recently. They feel like the equivalence of a sigh, but there is no use for one's breath. I think these blinks bring me closer to a place I'd rather be. I'm even considering giving into my parent's request for a psychiatrist simply because I just CAN'T confide in anyone else. I figure an individual with the ability to give me antidepressants is the right person to open up to.
Anyways, the thesis of my entry is that this man is a complete stranger to me. I don't know his name, his address, his favorites, or his story, but , for some reason, completey unknown, I feel closer to him than I do anyone else. Seeing and hearing this mystery man ride by my house inspires me to wake up in the mornings just to search for more amazing sights like him.
christina t.