"The Mandalorian" Review: 01x07

Dec 18, 2019 04:17

" The Mandalorian"
Season 1, Chapter 7: The Reckoning

It is amazing how some people think that money and notoriety are enough to mend a business relationship.

Also, with the show’s recap, you know exactly who’ll be re-introduced in an episode. It’s so ‘90s (and likely earlier, but I’m too young for that), ad I love it.

I’m all for bringing Cara along. She’s fun.

OK this kid acting like a kid is too funny and too real. He’s becoming overly curious, and not only about his Force powers. I love it! THAT is pure Disney.

Oohhh Kuiil fixed up IG. Interesting.
It’s also interesting that only now is his name revealed on screen. Not only that, but at the time I’m watching this (3:46 am), Wookieepedia hasn’t been updated about IG-11, so I feel so freaking odd for having one-upped the system.

I like the differentiation between a regular warlord and an Imperial. We really have to know more about the Mandalorian’s past.

Dude. That child. Children can sometimes be too emotional.
IG-11 creeping up on everyone is, well, creepy.

“I’m glad this matter will be done once and for all.”
They don’t trust you. I don’t trust you.
Shoot, I don’t even know if you trust you.

Kuiil knowing about the Force but not saying the name of it tells us all about what the Empire has done about censorship.

“He’s trying to eat me.” Greef is utterly ridiculous.

And huh. Greef may be able to be a smidge trusted? I’ll take it in a show like this.
And you KNOW he can, because the Mando is letting himself be cuffed like that.

I o love how Kuiil is trusted enough to have the kid.
IG-11 is what I’m concerned with.

*chuckles* The trooper trying to bargain for the Mandalorian helmet humored me.

Ah yes. Even ugly things can be beautiful when forged properly.

That military transport for the stormtroopers is pretty freaking awesome.
AND THEY HACKED INTO THE COMMS! Okay, even though that doesn’t make me happy, the competency levels are pretty neat to see.


tv shows, the mandalorian, tv review

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