(no subject)

Apr 21, 2009 12:26

like fire from a busted gun
Petronella Wentz/Ashlee Simpson
wordcount: 1310
authornote: Just a little thing I wrote awhile back. :} Hope you like it. Title and cut text belong to Interpol.

They don't really do that couple-y bullshit. Not the way that Pete usually does it anyway, although she'd be lying if she said she missed the two a.m. phone calls detailing her every character flaw. ("God, Petronella, you don't get it, do you?" "Dun' call me that. 's Pete." "Fuck, are you drunk? You're drunk aren't you? Is that Jeremy prick there? Is he?" "Fuck you!") Mostly they just hang out and lay on the hood of Ashlee’s older sister’s car, blaring Saves the Day and tapping their bare feet against the headlights while they look out over Wilmette from the cliff that serves as the local make-out point once the sun has sunk its watchful eye beneath the horizon.

Sometimes they’ll drink a forty between the two of them, but Pete isn’t so much for booze anymore these days and Ashlee never was to start with - she’d explained it to Pete once, something about too many nights spent cleaning up after her sloppy drunk role model sister to ever want to be on the other side of things. Anyway, usually they just sit there, and Pete will sometimes sprawl on the roof with Ashlee perched between her legs, braiding Ashlee’s long, long hair. They make up stories for all of the cars they see driving by, and one time they almost got into a fight when they accidentally smacked a truck full of frat boys with a half-empty yogurt cup. They don’t really expect anything of one another, because they never explicitly talk about what they’re doing.

Ashlee brings Pete flowers at work this one time, and Pete smiles her too-wide smile and narrows her kohl-smudged eyes and drags Ashlee into the store room and shows Ashlee her new nipple rings. Ashlee laughs and says they look cool and runs her fingers over them and Pete shivers and then walks Ashlee out and spends the rest of the day bullshitting customers with a grin that doesn’t feel quite as fake as usual.

They have sex sometimes, but it’s not all they do. Pete goes down on Ashlee in a movie theatre around Halloween. Ashlee’s wearing a long tutu and stockings and a top hat because she always says that if everyone else can dress like an idiot for the season and not get mocked, she might as well take advantage of it too. They’re in the back of some stupid chick flick on a Wednesday night because they didn’t have anything better to do and Pete just drops to her knees and whispers against Ashlee’s knee that she needs to stay quiet and then ducks her head under the gauzy fabric. She bites the inside of Ashlee’s thighs and licks, dragging her tongue along the crease of Ashlee’s hip while Ashlee’s legs shake around her. She reaches up and delicately shifts Ashlee’s panties to the side, licks thoughtfully at Ashlee’s opening, pressing her tongue forward and enjoying the taste. It takes her fifteen minutes to bring Ashlee off, her tongue pressed hard against Ashlee’s clit while two of her fingers scissor alongside it. Ashlee’s knuckles are white where she was gripping the armrests when Pete sits back up and kisses her, messy and hot. They get kicked out of the theatre for making out, which is kind of ironic but totally worth it because of the way Ashlee pays Pete back once they’re in the car.

Pete’s mom thinks that Ashlee is a good influence, which is probably technically right since Ashlee doesn’t really enjoy the party scene and neither of them likes to smoke weed after the last time, when they couldn’t stop giggling and they ended up laughing so hard that Pete actually threw up. Granted, the Chinese food they’d gotten beforehand might have had something to do with it, but why take chances? Anyway, the point is that while Ashlee doesn’t urge Pete to rob candy stores or set fire to buildings, like some of her old friends did, Ashlee doesn’t exactly talk Pete out of doing stupid shit, either. If that was the case then Pete thinks they probably wouldn’t be sneaking around Jessica’s bathroom, replacing her shampoo and conditioner with bright red hair dye.

Pete gets called a lesbian to her face all the time - it comes with the buzz cut and the whole fronting for a hardcore band thing - but Ashlee isn’t so used to it. And she doesn’t mind, really, which Pete thinks is totally hot and probably a good thing considering the fact that neither of them has slept with a dude since about a month after they met one another. At least, to Pete’s knowledge, anyway. But it’s a little bit different when it’s your older sister’s friends making fun of you at the public mall. Ashlee handles it well, though, just shrugs it off and walks along, her arms still linked with Pete’s. Pete offers to kick their asses but Ashlee tells her it isn’t necessary. Pete thinks that the downward turn of Ashlee’s mouth proves otherwise, but whatever, if Ashlee wants her to back off, she’ll back off. Ashlee avoids her for two weeks, until finally Pete shows up on her doorstep, sopping wet, eyeliner running because she doesn’t understand what she did wrong but she’ll do anything because she fucking misses Ashlee so much, like a part of her body’s not there when she needs it. Ashlee just hugs her and says she’s sorry and pulls her inside. They don’t fuck that night, but it’s okay because Pete still gets to wake up with Ashlee’s neck pressed against her collarbone.

They don’t do the romance thing. Not really. Sometimes they like to go out to dinner, but it’s not like, a date thing. They never plan it ahead and neither of them really picks the other up. Usually they’re at Pete’s house, hanging out and watching Gilmore Girls, and Pete will look up and blow some of her short fringe out of her eyes and mention that she’s hungry and they’ll go to Chili’s or something. It’s nothing big. Pete goes to dinner with Joe all the time, and once she even went with Andy although vegan food isn’t really her thing. But she likes going with Ashlee better because Ashlee doesn’t turn red when Pete starts to play footsie with her under the table. Ashlee just ups the ante and slips her foot up Pete’s pants until they’re halfway groping each other and laughing with their faces pressed against the table while the waiter just looks on, slightly confused.

It doesn’t really get official until a year down the road. Ashlee’s graduating high school - Pete’s been out for awhile - and she asks Pete to come, so of course Pete does. She even wears a dress and heels and tags along to Ashlee’s family dinner. Ashlee’s uncle Randall is in town, which is nice because he sort of helps balance out her dad’s crazy and seriously, Pete isn’t one hundred percent convinced they’re actually related because Randall is so fucking cool and Joe is so fucking not. But anyway, they’re at this little Italian eatery that Ashlee loves and Randall asks who Pete is when he arrives and Ashlee just says, “Oh, this is my girlfriend, Pete.” Randall, for his part, replies, “Right on,” while Joe splutters into his drink. Pete can’t stop grinning and holding Ashlee’s hand and finally, she pulls a little velvet box out of her purse and slides it across the table. It’s not much, just a pair of tickets to a band they both like, but it’ll be cool to go see them live for once, and Ashlee shrieks and wraps Pete in a hug so guesses it’s a pretty spot on gift.

They’re not like an average couple, but it’s still the most Pete’s been in love in a long time.
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