Feb 04, 2003 03:44
so tonight i saw legally blonde. i just want to say one thing, its not a good movie but a GOOD FILM. The movie is real good. Now some of you might think yeah its just some dumb teen movie. Ohh no its got a real good plot, i mean honestly the movie has a outrages number of hot chicks and it has substance, what more do you need in a movie. Hot chicks and a plot.
Imagine if you will a bunch of community college students, a small business owner and a kid who goes to delaware, playin baseball with highschool kids. FUCKIN AWSOME. thats all that needs to be said. You see rogers dad is tryin to get a team together for baseball. Seriously all of us have played baseball before and arent half bad. And playin for rogers dad would be cool. Seriously if your lookin for a cool dad....its mr. rogers. He owns a f'in subway for god sake. You dont get cooler than that.