Sep 07, 2005 18:00
"What I intend to do is lead a, uh, to lead a investigation to find out what went right and what went wrong."
"I wanna make make sure that we can respond properly if there's a WMD attack... or another major storm. So I'm 'o' find out, uh, over time, what went right and what went wrong."
"People want us to do here, is to play a blame game. I, hyuk hyuk hyuk, we gotta solve problems."
Scott McLellan:
"Some just want to engage in the blame game. The time for bickering, and blame gaming, is later."
Barbara Bush:
"And so many of the people in the arenas here, you know, were, were underprivileged anyway. This is working very well for them."
Tom Delay:
"The emergency response system was set up to work from the bottom up. Uh, and, and, it's, it's the local officials trying to handle the problem. When they can't handle the problem they go to the state. And the state, uh, uh, uh, does what they can do, and if they need assistance from FEMA and the federal government, they ask for it, and it's delivered."
9/1/05: GWB on ABC:
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees."
8/28/05: Geneve Grille, a levee engineer, on ABC:
"If we had a direct hit of a category 4 or 5, or maybe even a slow moving cat 3, we would be totally inundated with water. You couldn't pump it all out."