Jan 25, 2010 20:13
I've finally been feeling some of that crazy stress slowly slip away.
I know I can handle this semester at school. It's going to be a lot of work but I know I can do it.
I was so close to quitting my job and just saying screw it to them...but I would be in major trouble without a job. So I have come to a decision just to say forget it and just go in there and do my job. I'm not there to make friends, I'm there to make money.
Now I just need to get my money situated and back to normal and life will be pretty damn stress free.Woohoo.
I just broke down the other day and just started crying in front of Matt. It was about Riley, but mainly about everything else too (He didn't know that though). I don't cry very often so I knew I had to get my shit together. I'm just glad he was there and was extremely supportive. He's not a very emotional person but he's always got my back if I need him. It's nice to know that.
Need to finish up some homework and then I can relax and maybe play a little Batman = )