May 06, 2006 22:37
Here's a big FUCK YOU to everyone.
Seriously people have pissed me off so much in 2 days it's unbelievable. Lets see, we'll start with today and go backwards cause i get sick of being chronological sometime.
Today was supposed to be the giant baja restoration party; which, was a complete abortion. Now i don't mind if i make plans with someone (or people) and they have to cancel. That's fine as long as it's in advance and there's a reason, that reasonable. See the thing that pisses me off is that liz, shana, lisa, anna, reynolds, bushey, jackie, and york were, at some point today, supposed to show at my house to help me bring the baja back to life. So the end result. Pat showed up at like 4 when he got out of class and busted his ass with me and helped. Kiel stopped by with jess and said hi and left. Now i can understand kiel had plans, and reguardless he made an effort to stop by and say hi. Now for all you other fucks. DON'T SAY YOU'LL BE THERE, IF YOU CAN'T EVEN MAKE AN ATTEMPT. The thing that really grinds my gears is that i called liz like 2 times and shes like yeah i'm gettin ready, yeah i'm getting anna. Oh yeah, and york just blows by my house in his sister's car. Hey what's that noise, oh is it my cell phone not ringing because people forgot how to fucking call me?? Yeah this FUCK'S for you. I can't wait for when people will want favors from me.
Yesterday licked balls. Well, actually it all wasn't so bad. Class was great and i learned so much on the lab scopes and i flew through my worksheet. Later on i hung out with lexi which was fun and tried to teach her to drive stick. Afterwards everyone met up at pat's house and we starte drinking corona's. After that everyone migrated to trev's because pat had to be up early today. Trev's was OK, and there was a decent ammount of people there. All was going well until i started receiving texts from whom i thought, was my ex danielle. Turns out, it's this other danielle who goes to shepard hill. So naturally i'm a dumbass and don't realize this at first and shit hits the fan. So i tell everyone it's D Lo, and then trev starts running his mouth. Starts saying stuff like oh that girl's white trash blah blah blah. And i'm like WTF are you serious? Like who the fuck are you to judge some girl you hardly know, and what makes you so fucking amazing? So i sort of snapped trying to keep my cool. And i'm like dude, don't go there, she is to me what colleen is to you. Naturally things escalated after that i and left cause i have enough bullshit in my life and i don't need him to add to it.
So i drove to one of my chll spots and called D Lo. Naturally she was wondering wtf i was talking about since she hadn't texted me and then i put 2 and 2 together. So that was basically my night, and i went home.