Concentrate 48 No repeats or hesitates

Apr 08, 2005 15:41

So lately I've been getting really sad, and I still don't know why. It all started about a week ago I guess. I don't know...I just really hope things don't get as bad as they were the last time this happened. That would suck..a lot. So today was okay I guess. I wrote a poem in first..well..edited one, showed Mrs. Kennedy..and I don't know if she liked it or not. After she was done reading it she said, "Wow, I didn't expect it to be like that, shouldn't it be an elegy?" was gonna be concrete, but whatever, I need to do an elegy or something like that anyways, so elegy it is! So anyways, due to me being incredibly sad and "emo" haha, I've been listening to happy pop-punk, well..sort of. Anyone have any good pop-punk // happy bands they wanna share with me? I'll love you forever ♥. I forgot to give Ryan my iPod and USB Cord, cause I'm a failure like that. I was also really disappointed with my report card; 5 B's [well, a mixture of B-'s, B's, and B+'s] and 2 A's..that's just from this trimester though. It's my own damn fault, I know, cause I hate homework..a lot. And I procrastinate like woah. Therefore, the next report card I get will be A's and up, cause I'm tired of B's and all that shit. So yeah, I officially consider my brother a disrespectful, self-conceited, foolish, asshole boy. I wish my parents sent him away, I swear I wouldn't miss him. I don't even think he has a sole purpose to life anymore. All he does is hold our family back with his bullshit all the time. God, I'm so tired of him. I'm also sick of my Dad's BS with everything, but since I'm not mad at him at this given moment I won't talk about him. So yeah, hopefully I'll be able to go out with Ryan and Megs tonight. That would make me oh so happy. ♥


In case I don't update tomorrow -- good luck to my Rover's girls with the game this Sunday ♥ I shall pray for the 12/13 of you ;) sucks for you guys!


Today Ryan, Ali and I played those litle hand games. It was superb. Except we never really finished a game...and I started making up my own names...and Ali wanted to feel hawt so when I was staring into the sky she's like "stop staring at my boobs!" what the hell? So yeeah..*le sigh* I will miss recess...sort of.
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