Big Big Update

Apr 04, 2005 16:44

Mmk, so on Friday I went to school, bla bla bla, and afterwards I walked to Car's house and met up with her, Megs, and Kell. While at Car's house, we ate food and just hung around till about 4:45ish when we left to head off to the show at the Golden Age Club. So we get there like 30 minutes early, and, doing our best to avoid the stoner-emo-boys and girls, we stood by a tree and hung around there. Once people started going in, we did, too. At the door there was this one totally awesome dude [who I saw in a car while I was getting off the bus today, I swear :) ] who wore the coolest clothes and was saying silly stuff like, "LADIES, LADIES! ARE YOU HERE FOR THE SHOW? WHY, OF COURSE YOU ARE, IT'LL BE GREAT, FUN, AMAZING! GOSH, I'M SO GLAD WE HAVE SO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN COMING TO TODAY'S SHOW!" So yeah, once we paid for our tickets etc. we went in and shortly after we saw Sarah, Danielle, Cait, and Rachel come, too. Wow, I would've never expected them of all people to show up. Anyways, I said hi to Cait and stuff bla bla bla. I felt bad for the first band who played, everyone just stood still and listened to them. I liked one of the saxaphonist's [sp?] hair though, but that was all. They were some ska band, but too much ska, and they got to the point where they sucked so much they had to do cover songs. The band after them was...uhm...some band that's not important. Anywho, people tried to make a moshpit..they failed. Once it was over, I walked back to Kell, Megs, and Car, cause I had gotten separated from them during the hXc mosh. And so yeah, the only band names that I remember who actually played were- Blueprint and Jonh Connor. Why? Cause Blueprint's lead singer took off his shirt like woah, and that made me happy in le pantalones. And, John Connor cause they had the sexy bassist + I got a shirt that says "John Connor loves the animals" in fact, I'm wearing that bad boy right now. It makes me happy. So yeah, about half-way through the show we got bored and left and went to Rita's w00p. We all got cappucino thingies except for Megs, who got a cappucino gelati, PERIAH! Haha yeah, and I wanted to skip, so I did..but I spilled my icy stuff on my thigh, and Megs being the bestfriend that she is, licked it for me so it wouldn't stain too badly hahaha. [we didn't have napkins or any other sort of material besides our clothes.] So yeah, I showed Megs and everyone my old house, and from there we went back to the Golden Age Club. So we hung around there, and Kell did this thing which she knows I HATE, and whenever she does it I slap her stomach hahaha, is it back hand spring? Ehh whatever, anyways, she's about to do that so I get ready to slap her stomach and Car and Megs hold me back and I try to hump my way out haha! I got Megs outa the way but Car was still holding me from behind so I tried to flipn her over my shoulders and...well..she fell on me, causing me to fall and get my jacket thingy all dirty. So now my thigh has a brown spot from cappucino and my jacket thingy has brown on it from dirt. ehgreg damn you Carly! Haha yeah, so we hungout out the Golden Age Club for a few more minutes then went off to the Convenience Store. While we were there, Megs, Kell and Car got Von Dutch hats, cause they're losers like that. They wanted me to get one, but I insisted on getting a pet bus instead, and a few other things. And yeah, we tried to take pics of the nifty things we bought at the store and all, but it didn't quite work out. So after that we just walked around Wanaque and whatnot, highlights from it:

- We sang emoXcore songs such as Perfect- Simple Plan, GC songs, and Kelly- Movielife

- Drunk/high older guys were hitting on us + started following us

- we saw Kell's "friends" who avoided her HAHAH KELL AHS NO FRIENDS!

- we went to my old school // Kell's present school

- we went back to the Golden Age Club + bought our shirts

So like yeah! Then my Mom came to pick us up and we drove people home, and I obsessed over the hot emo boys at the show and my Mom was all "Abby stop!" or "Don't talk like that, it's not feminine!" and I was like "I wanna bangalang them emo boys!"

So yeah, that was a pretty super duper night

Saturday I went to see Hairspray with my parents. I loved it, and I thought I'd hate it. It was totally-awesome-wickedly-good. I recommend it to people who aren't homophobes / racists. But other than the play being good, the day sucked. My brother and Dad were going at eachother all night, and letting their anger out on my Mom and I, which sucked a lot. God, they both need some surrious help, those losers. So yeah, that was Saturday, it rained a lot, and I loved it.

Sunday- De Paul Orientation!

I sat on my ass on uncomfortable chairs for 90 minutes hearing Sisters, brother, babies, Fathers, and every other religious figure speak. Oh, and I have a 1/2 friend now! w00p! There's this girl - Cassy/Cassie and my Mom and her Mom talked during registration, and then we saw her again at orientation and talked more. But she's unusually tall, seriously. She's taller and Courtney + Carly. Weird. So yeah, that was boring, but I saw Cait, Emily, Christie, and Victoria Holle for a few minutes, therefore I didn't feel like a complete loser.

And onto today--

It was quite boring. 2nd period I felt bad for Ali cause Joe was tearing her apart and it made me wanna give her a big hug, but then Mrs. Keye's would bitch at me so I didn't, and I didn't see her any other time during the day, so yeah. And Megs was at recess with me today! Yayayay! Oh yeah, and I was playing with this piece of cloth like through my legs and stuff in a "sexual manner" so the lunch aid yelled at me, and now thinks that I'm a sex fiend. ;) oh yeah! Just what I need! And yeah...I still have homework and crap.

Oh, and tomorrow I'm dying my hair neon orange-
+ small streaks + my underside dyed. I'm excited, my hair will match my chucks! Speaking of chucks, PETE STOLE MINE! GROWL! HE HAS THE SAME ONES THAT I DO!! I HATE HIM FOR THAT!!

love ♥ love
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