Well, first we'll start off with Exhibit Night:
So I went with my Mom and bro. First we went to my bro's classes, bla bla bla, I saw my old teachers, had some nifty convos, then as we were walking down the hall I saw THE Megsie Boo Million! So I totally ditched my Mom + bro for her, but that's okay cause I told Mrs. Mom that I was gonna ditch 'em once I met up with Megs. So yeah, we went to the book fair so Megs could get some weirdo Retro Cook book. Yeah, then we went..uhm..well we walked around and whatnot. OH I KNOW. We went in the caf. , and saw Maddi or Maddy, whatever, and we hung out with her. Yeah, she's pretty cool, I'd do her..WHAT!? hah, so yeah, that's when I accidently put a move on Mr. Pecharsky. You see, he wore this nifty over-jacket thing that he NEVER wears to school on a normal day, so I said, "Mr. Pecharsky, why don't you ever dress like this for me !?" Keep in mind folks, he always has a camal toe, and he's married. He was like "Oh it's getting hot in here *gay laugh* Abby?..Abby.. bla bla bla" So yeah, sparks were in the air *dreamy sigh*. Then Maddi/y had to go, so she's all KISS ME ON THE CHEEK, so I kiss her on the cheek, but then we find out she has like a phobia of kissing others on the cheek or something. Haha that weirdo, anyways, once she left Megs and I ran into the gym, down the Sped Hallway, and to the Health Room, where we found the Almighty Mrs. Schneider and her wonderful son, Clinton! Woo, so we talked to him while his parents were "gettin da 411 on his bee-hayv-yur" and like...yeah. Then Mrs. Schneider was giving me the "Keep Clinton in-line" talk and she like ran over Mr. Emmerson, which really scared me because I'm pretty sure every single Emmerson alive has a huge grudge against me, except Melissa, I think. So yeah, she was all "Oh I'm so sorryy la bla brhiohhnerotihreio" yeah, and well, now I get to smack Clinton around when I need to, oh baby! Yeah, so after that they left and it was once again, Megs and I. So yeah, we just walked around, had a pretty nifty time if ya ask me. Megs = love. endo story.
Now, onto today:
It was kind of awkward, it seemed like there was a lot of tension between people. We played silent ball in Miss Morando's class. Ah yes, she's a softball player, been playing softball her entire life, but she caught like 1 out of every 10 balls thrown to her. That damn woman. She obsesses over her internet friends from Spain, Spain, and nasty words, i.e. - poop. She's a weirdo, for serious. So yeaah, Ryan and I are getting closer, in my opinion, it's pretty cool. Ryan = My Jedi Protector + the Coolest of them all. So, that was my school day. Then later on, Ali and I made this club called the CKC, or the Cool Kids Club. How original? We have our own mating call, hand shake,secret password, t-shirts, clubhouse, pins, shoelaces, sporks, forks, spoons, EVERYTHING. I mean's it's like totally awesome, for serious. So yeah, it's pretty hot, just how Ali would be if she didn't have masculine facial hair [moustache, side burns, the workss] hahaha I'm kidding, I love masculine women, I mean, who DOESN'T!? Oh, and today Ali and I found out that we weren't the only Lesbians in school haha! darno. So yeah...now I'm doing the homework that Ray's retarded group gave us, God, it sucks when children take over for a few days.