May 20, 2006 20:55
Can ants even eat brains? Meh...they do now.
Well,the little history seminar was quite interesting. *note to self: If going to Uni,must update wardrobe every 6 weeks*
How freaky was the clothing aspect? We got out of the car next to these other people and i'm thinking..."Good God. Kill me now and chuck me in the boot of the car." Well,not to that extent,it sounded good as i typed it.
I thought i looked rather snazzy with my wide-leg jeans,that nearly killed me on every step, and my layered t-shirt,purple long sleeves underneath. *hmmph* At least i was comfortable.
I learnt stuff. Don't waffle and,there is life after TEE. I wrote that in capital letters and showed my mother. She said she knew that,but,dosen't want me to be dissapointed.
Damn! I keep hitting the wrong keys.I must be tired.
I probably should be doing homework,but, as usual,i am procrastinating.
Is it a state of nostalgia,if you listen to a song and try to relate it to your life? It probably isn't,but,i like that word this very minute. I do hate when my brain does that. It's not like the song relates to me,i just suppose i want it too...oh well.
I see i have boreded you enough now.