Oct 25, 2008 10:25
i honestly believe that no one even reads my journal anymore, but i think i'm going to keep writing in it anyways. it just feels good to vent sometimes, although it would be nice if i got feedback every once in a while. maybe i'll just comment on my own stuff so i feel important... haha.
so i made an offer on that chesterfield condo, and i'm supposed to have an answer by tuesday at the latest. lord knows i'm not the most patient person to start with, but this shit is killing me. i wish they would just hurry up and make a decision. i'd rather just know one way or the other, you know? ugh.
i'm about half way through first responder training, and i start emd training next week. after i finish emd, i have my state licensing exam for first responder down in colonial heights and then i start basic dispatch school. eek. there's just so much going on, and i've honestly never felt like my brain was cottage cheese before quite to this extent. i feel like i need a drip pan or my brains will just slide out my ears. ewwwwwwww. wwwway too much info being crammed into my head at the moment. i start out on the floor on sunday november 23rd though, so that's really exciting.
on top of all the work stress, my brother decided he's joining the army airbourne rangers... and he leaves for bootcamp on tuesday. just all very sudden. i think it'll be realllllly good for him in the long run, i just worry too much. anybody who knows me knows that though. haha. i just dont know what i'd do if he got deployed. the entire year that nichole was in iraq with the army, i was a wreck. i refused to answer the phone or the front door for an entire year because i was afraid it was only bad news. i understand that the military gives the highest training possible to ensure the safety of their soldiers, but that doesn't mean shit about there being some crazy asshole in a pile of sand that wants to shoot your ass. all the training in the world won't save you from a crazy terrorist retard with an ak47 in a pile sand, sorry to disappoint you.
i just pray that everything will work out. i know it will. somehow. but in the meantime, i'm helping jon move his stuff home this afternoon and then i'm taking him out to the pub tonight. i don't know if it'll really help matters, but it might make be feel a little better for a couple of minutes. perhaps. i dunno. it all seems like an amazing plan in theory. <3