Wow...Talk about not posting for awhile...

Jan 18, 2007 16:41

I can't believe it's been a year since the last time that I posted in this thing. So much has happened that you just wouldn't believe. Unfortunately, I really don't feel like typing all of that out right now so I'll just give you the basics:

1). I made it into AP Portfolio's an awesome class with the greatest group of is definitely never boring for those of us in

2). Alex is now in the Marines...he's about to go back in training after being in MRP for a few months down in North Carolina. He was able to come home for Christmas and I'm going down there to see him for President's Day (yes, random holiday, I know).

3). I'm the senior techie now and Scott (aka The Gnome) is a sophomore on lights while Aaron (aka Walking Computer...seriously, not kidding...I mean, he carries a graphing calculator in his pocket EVERYWHERE and has a $300 watch that he bought because he can sinc it with his palm pilot... :\) is the sophomore on sound. At 18 and being a senior do you have any idea how OLD I feel?!

4). Currently designing the school's art website...more of a headache than it's worth and it's going to look ugly because the teachers have the absolute WORST taste in history, but oh well.

5). Met all the Auburn Hill Police Department and was "engaged" the to the fire chief's 15-year-old son (REALLY long story that I'll explain was a joke; yes, Alex know; no, I don't know him lol) and all because I spent the night outside of Circuit City so that I could get my brother a Wii for Christmas...which I did actually succeed in doing...YEAH! GO ME!

There's a bunch more stuff that has happened (including that I have gotten my senior pics taken) but I really don't feel like typing anymore. I've already been on the computer since 9:30 this morning and my neck is getting a crick so I'll come back to this the next time I get around to it. Hopefully it will be before 2008 rolls around, lol. Anyway, call the cell or anything if you want to talk to me...toodles!
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