Feb 09, 2006 23:54
made the gamble. names in the exco lottery for many an exco. i'm pretty confident about the odds on the continuing swing exco. it's always nice to have someone load the dice for you.
testing the waters on the creative writing exco 'cause if nothing else it'd be good to be required to write. it's a fine bet time and credit hour-wise. at their tentative request i submitted a piece. makes me anxious. it's weird to have your stuff judged by random strangers for the first time.
still waiting to here the results on 20th Century Poetry. 5 minutes into day one i was hooked. it will be heartbreaking if DeSales tells me to leave though for once i feel relatively confident that i won't bow out kindly. i want this too much.
if i magically had my way with this semester i'd drop my MWF9am Environmental Ethics class & take:
MWF11am 20th Century Poetry (3hrs)
MW2:30-3:45 Energy Technology (woo o-hundred level physics & the potential to get paid to go & take notes!) (3hrs)
TR11am Greek & Roman Myth (3hrs)
T8pm Continuing Swing (1hr)
R8pm Creative Writing (2hrs)
that's the ideal life. let's see if i get what i want this time.
in other news, guess i'm a busy girl. i don't have any of my hmwk done for tomorrow & since it's midn i'm going to bed when i'm done w/ this. *shrug* i've got some time this weekend to catch up... i think. we'll see since fri night turns out there's a cocktail party at the MMoore & Co. house, sat night is the play everyone's in (still debating), & (hooray!) sun night i work for 3hrs (ok, so less excited about that working thing, but boy, i like having money to pay the bills), & there's the possibility of a visitor sometime in there.
also, mother called tonight w/ interesting news. keep your fingers crossed for me. especially now that i've jinxed myself by saying even a damned thing.
bed. now.