Found: Chatham Marines

Feb 25, 2010 20:50

I asked a while ago here whether anyone could help me find a particular reference to Chatham marines. And I just picked up Barbary Coast by Peter Smalley and found what I was looking for.

P108: By Order, to be given into the Hand of Capt Wm. RENNIE RN, at GIBRALTAR
You Capt Rennie of HM Expedient frigate are to take into your Ship at the above Station Sgt Gosbart Host of the Royal Marines and a party of Forty (40) marines that was sent to Gibraltar by transport ship, from Chatham, to await yr arrival.

These marines are to aid you in your present hazardous commission, other Details of which shall be conveyed to you at the time of your receipt of this Document, by Word of Mouth.

And on p184-185:

"Wait - there is something else."

"Eh?" Turning back.

"I have overheard something." Looking very serious, again lowering his voice. "Something that concerns the future safety of the ship. I do not like to carry tales, to be a common informer, but I think that this may be very important. That is why I wish to talk privately..."

"What did you hear?" Taking his arm, and bringing him to the corner of the rail. "Do not hesitate, Alan. In view of all that has happened, it is your plain duty to speak up."

"Nay, I must keep my voice down." A near whisper. "I heard some of the Marines - the Chatham marines, that are not properly part of the ship's complement - I heard some of them say that when the time came they was intent on going into the boats, escaping to Curlew, and running away in her."

"Did you hear them say when that time might be?"

"No, I did not. The gist of their conversation, the snatch that I heard, was that they had not took the shilling to be disembowelled by infidel savages, nor to be pressed into slavery. They was not cowards, one of them said, but this was not a fate they would suffer willingly - to be made slaves -, in a further attack by more determined corsairs."

"When did you hear this?" Gripping Dobie's elbow, bending closer to listen.

"Last night. I was making my way to the heads, and heard it through a grating in the waist."

"You are certain it was marines?"

"Aye, I could see the red sleeve of a coat, with the little badge particular to the Chatham marines, the little insignia sewed there."

"Yes, I have seen the device - You heard nothing more?"

"No, nothing. - I was right to tell you?"

"Indeed you was, Alan, and thank you. I will inform the captain as soon as he returns. Until then, say nothing of this to anyone else."

From Barbary Coast by Peter Smalley, published by Arrow Books, 2007 (excerpts from the paperback edition of 2008), ISBN: 978-0-099-47427-2

peter smalley, marines, books, rennie

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