First... if my neighbors' lab gets out, and I take him back home, does that make me a labrador retriever? And if, at nearly midnight, I come home from a movie and said lab is IN my driveway, trying to get hit by my car...what do I do with him? I ended up calling the friends that I went to the movie with and asking their advice. Per friends, I rang the neighbors' doorbell despite the hour and returned him. I was tempted to stick him in the run we have out back for Mischa until morning. He's not my responsibility. But I feel responsible for him because he's a sweet pup and he evidently needs more attention than he gets.
Second, I saw Grindhouse with Mary and Keith. Awful. Awesome and awful. And yet, not awe inspiring.
The first half, Planet of Terror, is Rodriguez's half. He clearly has a thing for severed limbs. It's bloody, gory, a high-camp zombie flick. Not bad, a bit predictable, but pretty entertaining when it's not flat out gross. All the commercials show Rose McGowan with the gun leg, and I spent most of this movie waiting for it. Pretty much every scene with the gun leg is in the commercials or the trailer. The blood and gore is so over-the-top, it's not really squirm inducing, still not for the weak stomached. The second half, Death Proof, is both better and worse and is practically two movies in itself. The first half of Death Proof is Kurt Russell with fake scar grinning and shmucking and killing 4 --or was it 5?-- women with his car. He's a total serial-killer psycho using a stunt car as a weapon. The second half of Death Proof is him chasing down three women who turn the tables and totally kick his ass. I *hate* car crashes in movies. I hated the whole chase scene with Kurt chasing the three women, one of whom is on the hood of the car (don't ask) was hard to watch, I nearly walked out, and my hips ache** because of it. The payoff is totally worth it, except the actual physical pain, because they chase him down, trash both cars then drag him out of his vehicle and punch him. A lot. The fake trailers I could take or leave, I went to the bathroom between the two movies. One before each film would've been sufficient. Between the trailers and the fact that Death Proof was a little slow to start, I thought it made it drag.
**I have problems with my hips, being tense is one of the things that makes them ache.