new year's eve big-ass sentimental post

Dec 31, 2010 14:24

I'll make my little notes here in the event that most of of you don't want to read the teal deer:

-You can still bid on artwork and fic from me for the Purple Dove Project combating LGBT bullying until January 4th. Here's a handy link! Click here!
-I have $50 left in iTunes to spend. Music recs, anyone?


So some of you know and some of you don't (hello new friends!) that I've had an eventful and kind of tough year. I had my forced gap year (thanks, colleges; apparently a year of lying around on the couch makes a difference in whether or not I'm really ready for secondary education; yes I'm still bitter), a calculus teacher who had it out for my grade point average, I moved away from my home (and state) of 14 years, I got a job that I kind of hate, had to deal with health issues and family friends taking ill and blah blah blah things that are sad and kind of boring. It's also reminded me that though I've been struggling a little bit, so many people have it harder than me- I am lucky to be so privileged- and we've all got to do our part to keep others' chins up. Ramble ramble rambleroar.
The year's had it's good parts too- graduating, my last high school musical and sneaking out of the cast party to be snuck into the University of Michigan's production of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, waiting in the stand-by line for seven hours and bruising my ass on concrete to see A Very Potter Sequel in person, getting 5s on all my AP exams, making money (my job isn't all bad.) A new Disney movie to remind me how fun it is to be a kid when I don't really feel like a kid anymore. 2011 is going to be so exciting for me- going home (and by home I mean Michigan) to go visit my favorite people in the world, traveling to England for two weeks to visit some of my other favorite people in the world, turning 18, starting college. Also, the Oscars, because I will have actually seen the movies this time and have a horse in the race (where my social network peeps at? and I'll talk like that cause I can and it's fun.)
It's been so nice to have all you friends on LJ throughout all this. You are enthusiastic, friendly, talented, kind, have brilliant taste in music, and you kept my spirits up when living in foreign country (and by foreign country I mean the south) gets lonely. ♥ I want to give everybody hugs and presents and bake a cake with flowers and rainbows and then we could all eat it and be friends again like we used to in middle school.
(I don't even go here, clearly. So have some gifs. Happy new year, y'all. Let's have shiny happy fun in the next 365. :) )

all are snaggable. go wild!

friendly!, things that are about me, things that are beautiful, pretty please, the social network, cuz the gif party don't stop, holly-daze, how i met your mother, helping out, blogging, things that are eclectic, ew work is gross, real life like whoa, disney, love, tangled up, wandering but not lost, psych, also angels, important thing is important, college-ruled

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