♥ Saw The Social Network this afternoon, and I LOVED it. The script was classic Aaron Sorkin right out of the gate- as soon as Erika and Mark started in with that special dialogue rhythm that Sorkin writes, I was like, "I will like this movie, even if this scene is the best part." Which it wasn't, btw. Go see it. The only downside was the sound- there was definitely something wonky going on with the sound, and I wasn't sure if it was the fault of the film or the theater. The music was SO LOUD and parts of the dialogue were almost inaudible.
♥ On this topic, I am now IN LOVE WITH Andrew Garfield. This boy is so cute. I didn't think so from the photos I saw before the movie, but some people look better in motion. He looks like Joey Richter with a jaw. There were scenes where I was like, "Please don't say UNF out loud, you are watching this movie with your grandmother."
click for a picture! ♥ Also, Armie Hammer. HOT DAMN. And you get to see double of him, too. Plays twins!
and here's another picture! ♥ I am so glad for the weekend. Basement rehab status: still nothing is happening. Still sleeping on the air mattress upstairs. Plus side- I put more air in it and it's comfortable again.
♥ Rose/Scorpius fans, heads up:
drcjsnider and I are working on something that should be really cool! We'll see. :)