List 5 OTPs and then answer the questions
1. Rose/Scorpius (Harry Potter)
2. Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter)
3. Evan/Divya (Royal Pains)
4. Marshall/Lily (How I Met Yor Mother)
5. Troy/Abed (Community)
meme from
pinkpanther20 1. When did you first fall in love with ship number 1?
"Don't get too friendly, Rosie."
2. When did you fall in love with ship number 5?
Donde! Esta! La biblioteca! Me llamo T-Bone La araña discoteca! Also, Bert and Ernie and Troy and Abed in the Morning!
3. What is your favourite moment of ship number 3?
Divya kissing Evan to keep him from getting beaten up by a bouncer, and then her justification for it. Also, "Is it weird that every time she insults me she just gets hotter?" Oh! And in In Vino Veritas where he thinks she's pregnant and he holds the door to the Range Rover open for her at the end. Pretty much every moment.
4. What will the ship be if you take the boy from ship 2 and the girl from ship 1 and mesh them? If one or both of the ships are slash, then pick and choose.
Uh, Ron/Rose. Yeah, I don't dig this one. I vote no here.
5. Viceversa.
Hermione/Scorpius. Cougaring with Draco's kid. This is just making me go "Ehhhhh"
6. What's your favorite moment for ship 4?
I really like the one from the pilot, where he's just proposed to her and he hits her in the eye with the champagne cork. Also, the telepathic conversations, especially in the one where Marshall is coaching her kindergarten basketball team.
7. How long was there between the time you got into the fandom and the time you started shipping ship number 3?
I always really like the will they/won't they ships where there's a lot of UST and a little bit of antagonism. So really, no time at all.
8. When did you start shipping ship number 4?
The pilot episode. Everything about them together just works. Also, I love Jason Segel. And he was SO CUTE, especially first season. Still is, but cuter then.
Lily: Oh, honey, champagne!
Marshall: Yep. I think you'll find I'm full of surprises tonight.
Lily: Oooh, surprises? Like what?
Marshall: (thinks) Uh..... BOO! And that's ALL of em.
9. Take three random people from three of the ships and create an OT3?
Can't you just FEEL the UST here?
10. Rank your OTPs in order.
1. Ron/Hermione
2. Rose/Scorpius
3. Evan/Divya
4. Marshall/Lily
5. Troy/Abed