in case you were wondering

Aug 22, 2010 13:31

 hello lj world! i am returning. sorta. here are things that are of note. maybe.

*I have been reading Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels almost nonstop for a week. I'm on "Twelve Sharp" right now and number thirteen is waiting on the couch. They are SO worth your time if you like laughing and you like sexy male characters (Team Jacob vs Team Edward feels so lame to me right now. Team Joe Morelli, hands down.)

*Re: Thing of Note Number One: I have written about 97% of a Rose/Scorpius piece that is very much Evanovich-inspired. No mystery, but it's first person and there's some madcap stuff going on. I'm hurting for an end an a beta.

*Our new internet is a pain in the ass. There's something wrong with our router that was never wrong with our router before and so I spent FIVE FUCKING HOURS trying to figure it out the other day. I do not get paid enough for this job (I am my family's go-to IT person. It sucks.)

*I finally understand the 1800s. Sorta. When I'm without internet and television, I turn into Suzy Homemaker. This past week, on various whims, I have made a polenta, a tuna tetrazzini, and a meatloaf (I'm a vegetarian. I didn't even eat it. WTF, self?). I have to fight this constant urge to bake.

*I'm looking for work. Food service doesn't appeal to me but it's looking like that's my option right now. Maybe the library is hiring!!! That would be good.

*Should I feel lame if I'm having trouble getting into a big book? I've tried to start Henry James's "Portrait of a Lady" and David McCullough's "John Adams" and they are not keeping my attention. I think that maybe when I've finished all the Stephanie books that I can move on to something slightly more intellectual. Right now, though, I feel kind of lame.

*Half my shit is still in boxes. I don't have a dresser. My parents have four. Can we have a "what the hell" moment here please?

*I'm making this list of "things I've learned" since the move. I thought I'd share a few with you at a time, so here's a couple:

-north carolina spiders are SO MUCH CREEPIER than michigan spiders. and bigger. and harder to kill with a cardboard box and a notebook.

-"population: several" is a legitimate sign in the sticks in VA.

-'blood bought baptists' exist and paint creepy signs. unfortunately, edward cullen does not attend this church (he's a mormon).

*And here's a meme from timbitzk .

If you’ve been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.

Tag eleven people (or whatever.) If you've already done it, don't worry about it. Also, if you don't feel like doing it, don't worry about it.

I'm tagging: gandolforf , hondagirll , drcjsnider , xxx_angelin_xxx , katherine_lupin , racistdragon , airekuh , grim_lupine , i_am_girlfriday , purplesuitcorny , enchantedteapot

→ What song are you currently addicted to?
"Lisztomania," by Phoenix

→ What's your favorite season?
Fall by Michigan standards. Cold and orange. Fall by southern standards is like...Michigan August. Dammit.

→ What’s the latest movie you watched?
Does "A Very Potter Sequel" count? Otherwise, Star Trek.

→ What is the one skill you wish you had?
Running. I can't run. It's awful. I can sprint, but I have negative stamina. I'm tired before I even start.

→ What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Royal Pains, Tosh.0, Rose/Scorpius. Pretty much like always. OH AND HOW COULD I FORGET Stephanie Plum, too.

→ What was the last dream you remember having?
Er...I wrote this question and I don't even remember one. But I think it's a good question!

→ What web sites do you always visit when you go online?
Gmail, Livejournal, Facebook, Postsecret,, Questionable Content

→ What was the last thing you bought?
An iced chai and croissant.

→ If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Buy a dresser. Help my family outfit the new house. Save some for college. Buy a goddamn swimsuit in a TALL. DOES NOONE CARRY A TALL? Go shopping at a vintage store. Go to dinner a couple times. Save a bunch for my England trip.

→ Favourite time of day?
Usually midnight. I feel most productive at weird hours.

→ What's the last thing that made you cry?
Moving. Ew.

→ If you could have an imaginary animal as a sidekick, which one would it be?
Uh, yeah. More Sarah questions. But I think I'd like Rumbleroar. Or maybe Napoleon Dynamite's Liger. They're magic, or whatever.

→ Five things you can’t live without.
Sleep, Food, indoor plumbing, money, and COMEDY WHAT UP.

things that are eclectic, books, real life like whoa, memery, rose/scorpius, technology is bad, my favorite noms

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