oooh a fun thing

Apr 24, 2010 14:09

 snagged from purplesuitcorny .

Pick 20 movies/anime/video games/comic books/literary works and put their summaries from Better than it Sounds and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess.

These are pretty easy- and most of them are my favorites!
1. Orphan girl travels with two conmen to visit her grandmother she doesn't remember. Anastasia, guessed by grim_lupine .

2. Orphan discovers his parents enrolled him in boarding school before they died. He kills one of his teachers and doesn't want to go home for the summer. He's the hero. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, guessed by cassierua .

3. AFRICA! The Lion King, guessed by cassierua .

4. A walking cliche is thrown from a cliche and falls in love with a lawyer.

5. A Chinese teen becomes a transvestite and runs away from home for unselfish reasons. Mulan, guessed by racistdragon .

6. A nerd helps a Mexican run for president against a rich bitch. Napoleon Dynamite, guessed by drcjsnider .

7. One guy stops caring about his job, another wants to rob his employer, and another just wants his stuff back.

8. Wolverine hires David Bowie to build a teleporter so he can frame Batman for murder. The Prestige, guessed by cassierua .

9. A reporter solves a murder mystery without leaving his apartment. Rear Window, guessed by timbitzk  's mom.

10. In India, game shows are serious business. Slumdog Millionaire, guessed by cassierua . (Happy 20th birthday, Dev Patel!)

11. Lots of lens flare and a time traveling miner set the reset button on 40 years of media. They kept the ham. Star Trek, guessed by timbitzk 's brother.

12. A writer starts messing with an IRS agent's life. Stranger than Fiction, guessed by wottie .

13. A trigger-happy botanist and an elderly sanitation worker fall in love. Then they save some fat people from a steering wheel. Wall-E, guessed by wottie .

14. So this girl, like, does a load of shopping and wears these way awesome clothes and gives her new friend a make-over, ya know? And she's really into this guy but he's so not into her and there's this other guy who she, like, cannot stand 'cause he's like this total geek, and he's always ragging on her and she's like "what-ever", but he's way cuter than she first thought so it's cool. And it's totally based on this old book and stuff.   Clueless, guessed by drcjsnider and cassierua

15.  Prisoners concoct elaborate escape plan with help from American circus acrobat after learning that their captors intend to turn them into pies. Chicken Run, guessed by racistdragon .

16. Two guys use the same alias to woo shallow girls. Hilarity ensues. The Importance of Being Earnest, guessed by cassierua .

17. Sexually repressed nineteenth-century German teenagers sing catchy indie pop songs. Spring Awakening, guessed by cassierua .

18. King Arthur on a budget with songs. Arthur and his knights are nearly thwarted in their quest because none of them are Jewish. Also, there's gay marriage in the 8th century. Spamalot, guessed by racistdragon  and purplesuitcorny .

19. A reporter rides in a jeep with a severely dysfunctional family to chronicle their adventurous road-trip. Oh, and ambushes. Generation Kill, guessed by grim_lupine .

20. A school bureaucrat is outraged when students take interest in their education. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, guessed by purplesuitcorny .

theater, books, memery, things that are fun, movies

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