
Apr 14, 2010 23:01

 somehow convinced my parents to get me Generation Kill today! it's got the cover with the HBO cast on it. I think I might just carry it around and not read it XD

quick notes:
-ate a lindt truffle. trying not to regret decision to eat lindt truffle.
-did not exercise. "homework." (if homework = that 70s show, modern family, and the notebook. also, calculus, psychology, and creative writing.)
-decided to eat dark chocolate chips and a glass of 1/2% instead of ice cream and chocolate sauce. at least i made one good decision. oh! i also drank water with dinner instead of 7up. it's the little things? at least i hope so.
-took me forever to write a frickin narrative poem. this writer's-plot-block is about the worst thing of my life.

jillian michaels is my new bff, books, writer's block hell

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